Why You Should Hire an Event Planner

When hiring an event planner, the only thing you need to do is tell the amount of money you are willing to spent, the idea you have for the event and the amount and type of people that will attend. Event planners will ensure that you get the cheapest deals and the most professional workers out there as cameraman, transporters, caterers and venues. In other words they will ensure you host an amazing event while staying within the budget.  

Here are 5 reasons why you should hire an event planner:

1. Budget Management

Everyone thinks that hiring an event planner cost much more than DIY planning. This is a common misunderstanding and the cause for many failed events. Because of the rich experience in the field of event planning they have, the amount of money spent at the end of the day will be much smaller than you expected. Event planners will review pricing, bills and discounts. They will also easily recognize scams and unprofessional workers which will save you up on some money, as well on some stress.

2. Stress-Freee Event

With hiring an event planner, you are taking a burden of stress off your back. To organize large groups of people and to monitor everyone’s behavior isn’t an easy job. The event planner will find the ideal catering service, venue, musicians, cameramen, sound equipment, decorations, security guards, you name it. And everything will be according to your wishes and needs.

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3. Solving Unplanned Issues

Imagine that instead of the white flowers you ordered, red flowers are delivered on the day of the event. Now imagine how at the same time the venue owner tells you the venue has been flooded. How will you be able to greet your guests, practice your speech or drink a glass of champagne while solving these problems? The answer is simple, with having an event planner protecting your back. All of the unexpected problems will be solved by your event planner and this will enable you to truly enjoy the event you are hosting.  

4. Professionalism

When planning an event, there are lots of things for which you need to think ahead. For instance, parking spaces, venue accessibility and guest transportation. And those are only a couple of things concerning only the venue. To organize a professional and flawless event, one must know every aspect of its planning.

Try to ask yourself this question: Will I waterproof my basement alone if there have been major floods and mold issues occurring? Well, unless you are a professional plumber, the answer is probably no. Each profession has people who own it, so leave event planning to experienced event planners.

5. You are the Boss

Event planners will be controlling every aspect of your event, but for most situations you will have the final word. Allow yourself to be the boss and have someone working on fulfilling your dreams. This is why good communication with the event planners is a must. When you choose one, make sure the event planner understands your ideas and is willing to collaborate and make them come true. The best event planners are the ones which are flexible, creative and know their field.  

About Candles


Candles Banquet & Convention Centre is a Mississauga based banquet hall and venue that specializes in weddings, social events, and corporate events. We offer a variety of succulent menus for your event, from continental sit-down menus to delicious South Asian buffets.